One Piece EPISODE 1032 Direct download

 Long Summary

The grouped Scabbards head to Momonosuke, intent on protecting him from Kanjuro. As they run, Kiku thinks back to when Izou left Wano Country with Oden, and Izou apologizes for leaving so suddenly. Kawamatsu asks Izou how he thinks Wano will change if the borders are opened, but Izou deflects the question, stating they'll talk about it when they're all alive tomorrow. Kin'emon states that they're in a full-blown war, and tells the rest of the group that he can protect Momonosuke alone. He instructs the other Scabbards to split up and looking for areas that are short on soldiers to assist the other fighters. Most of the Scabbards agree, and the group splits. However, Kiku remains with Kin'emon, asking to be allowed to defeat Kanjuro, to which Kin'emon agrees.



After he leaves, Nekomamushi runs into Shishilian and Bariete, who ask for his help. They inform the Scabbard about Pedro's death, as well as the fact that Perospero, the one responsible for his death, is present on Onigashima. They tell him that Wanda and Carrot are struggling against him, and Nekomamushi rushes to go provide assistance.

Meanwhile, Yamato informs Shinobu and Momonosuke about the Marys, telling them to be careful to not get spotted. He then tells him that he's going to run off as a decoy while pretending to carry Momonosuke, drawing attention away from the pair while they wait for Kin'emon to arrive. Before he leaves, however, he asks Momonosuke how Luffy's fight is going, since Momonosuke is able to hear Luffy's voice. Yamato runs to rooftop to catch up before the 1-versus-1 is over, and Momonosuke begins to read Oden's travel log. Meanwhile, on the rooftop, Luffy and Kaidou continue their fight. They trade blows, but neither is able to get a significant hit in.

On the castle's second floor, Sanji carries Zoro while the latter heals from his injuries and the former fights off swarms of Gifters and Pleasures. On the Performance Floor, Chopper battles Queen. However, the reindeer is unable to defeat the All Star, and he's suddenly hit in the back by candy arrows. However, Queen gets annoyed at Perospero, stating that he ruined the show.

Meanwhile, Big Mom asks the unconscious Page One if he's the one who attacked Okobore Town, and Ulti gets mad that the Emperor attacked her brother. Nami and Usopp try to convince Big Mom to defeat Ulti, but she gets mad at them, telling them that she'll deal with them after the Tobiroppo. This causes Nami to begin cheering for Ulti, but she says the same thing as Big Mom, and Usopp tells Komachiyo to run away. However, Ulti charges after them, instantly defeating Komachiyo. She begins hitting him as he lays on the floor, and Tama grabs her tail, asking her to stop. However, Ulti just slaps her, throwing Tama to the floor. This enrages Big Mom, and as she approaches Ulti, Nami runs ahead, attacking the Tobiroppo with lightning. The attack throws Ulti backwards, and Nami states that she won't forgive anybody who attacks children.

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